Jordan is Free!

21 Jul

Cross Posted from Because We Must

Yesterday, our good friend Jordan Halliday was released from prison after serving 10 months for refusing to cooperate with a grand jury that was fishing for information about the animal rights scene in Salt Lake City, UT. After refusing to cooperate with a grand jury in 2009, Halliday was jailed for 4 months in hopes that the sentence would make him talk. Halliday still resisted the grand jury. He was released and then swiftly indicted with criminal contempt of court for refusing to testify the same grand jury. On July 27, 2010, Jordan pled guilty to the charge of criminal contempt of court. 

Although he was sentenced to serve 10 months on November 3, 2010, Jordan’s defense team filed an appeal which bought him some more time. The appeal was denied by the court and Jordan was arrested to start his sentence on January 9, 2012. Jordan’s courage to resist the grand jury has been an inspirational act to us all, especially for the grand jury resistors to come. Check out this post where you can read a letter from Jordan talking about resisting the grand jury! Also check this link to see a perfect example of how to deal with a grand jury.

We are so happy that Jordan is now in the loving arms of friends and family outside of prison walls. It is vital to remember that prisoner support does not end with prisoner release. Prison is a fucked up and lonely place, right now Jordan needs our support more than ever. If you are on twitter, please show jordan some love. If you are on facebook, tell him how happy you are that he’s out!

2 Responses to “Jordan is Free!”

  1. nonviolentconflict July 21, 2012 at 9:37 pm #

    Reblogged this on NonviolentConflict.

  2. Ranko July 21, 2012 at 9:45 pm #

    Way to go Jordan!

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