Support Rod Coronado

21 Oct

There is a new support site up for Rod Coronado at Rod is facing four months in federal prison for probation violation after friending Mike Roselle on facebook. He is facing a renewed 3 year probation upon release.
If you can, please consider donating to his commissary fund for winter clothes, and send letters of support or used paperbacks in a manila envelope to Rod at the following address
*Rodney Coronado, Register #03895-000*
FCI Milan
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 1000
Milan, MI 48160
According to a recent post on the support site, “Over the weekend, Rod’s partner, Chrysta, and two children, were finally allowed to visit Rod! It was long overdue and eagerly anticipated. Rod seemed healthy, and reaching into that deeper place which is necessary to sustain oneself in such a place created to remove all power.
He was extremely happy to have his little ones climbing all over him once more, and they were glued to him the entire 5 hours! Unfortunately, the prison is non-contact which means Chrysta and Rod were unable to hold hands or be affectionate except at the beginning and end of the visitation.”

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