June 11 Day of Eco-Prisoner Solidarity around the corner

8 Jun

[The video above includes a full recording of the Never Alone roadshow which traveled the US this Spring building support for June 11 organizing. Along with thorough up-to-date information on ecoprisoner support, state repression and security culture, the film also features a bold speech by Jeff “Free” Luers and clips from “Green Listed”, a coming documentary on Eric McDavid’s case.]

About June 11:  Last year was an amazing show of international support for eco-anarchist prisoners Marie Mason and Eric McDavid. And this year’s June 11 seems to be shaping up nicely as well from the looks of the online events listing: over 30 cities have confirmed community events, including Indonesia, Isreal and England. And as we saw last year, many did not confirm their events online, but instead took actions to show their solidarity.

Amongst solidarity actions around the world included: ATMS in Argentina burned, arson of church construction site in Peru, anti-bank action in Cambridge, UK, Railways sabotaged in Finland, Logging Equipment Sabotaged in Olympia, a series of attacks claimed by ELF Russia and the Informal Anarchist Federation, development building and bank visited in Tacoma, SUV Attacked in Seattle, Banners hung at universities in Greece.

According to the crew coordinating for June 11th : “These stories are only a small sampling of what happened on June 11th, 2011. But they are representative of the kind of creativity and energy that we would like to see poured into prisoner support every day of the year. We want June 11th to be a starting point – not an end in itself. We hope that everyone feels re-energized and re-committed to the work that they do, to their communities, and to our friends, lovers and comrades who are being held hostage by the state.”

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